Great Lakes Seiwa-Kai Goju Ryu Karatedo
五大湖 誠和会 剛柔流 空手道
Member Seiwakai USA
Instruction in Traditional JaPANESE KARATE

Great Lakes Seiwa Kai:
Great Lakes Seiwa Kai in the only dojo in this area of the United States that is a member of both the USA National Karatedo Federation (the official governing body for all Karatedo in the U.S.) and the Japan Karatedo Federation (the official governing body for all Karatedo in Japan and Okinawa).
Great Lakes Seiwa Kai Chief Instructor:
Sensei Mark Cramer began his karate-do training in 1971, and began training in Goju Ryu in 1974. He is a member of the Seiwa Kai where he is a 7th degree black belt (Nana-dan). He is also a 6th degree black belt (Roku-dan) in the USA National Karate-do Federation (USANKF), and a 6th degree black belt (Roku-dan) in the Japan Karate-do Federation (JKF) Goju Kai.
Sensei Cramer has trained at the JKF Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan and the Seiwa Kai Headquarters in Omagari, Japan. For more than forty years, he has taught traditional Japanese karate-do in several public school systems in the Greater Toledo area, and has trained many individuals to the black belt level and beyond.
Additionally, Mr. Cramer has had a long involvement with sport karate-do, and has competed in kata (forms), kumite (sparring), and kobudo (weapons) divisions in the United States, Canada, and Japan. In over 40 years of training and competing he has won many awards, including twenty-eight national medals and eleven national championships in tournaments sanctioned by the U.S. Olympic Committee's National Governing Body for Sport Karate-do.
Great Lakes Seiwa Kai in the only dojo in this area of the United States that is a member of both the USA National Karatedo Federation (the official governing body for all Karatedo in the U.S.) and the Japan Karatedo Federation (the official governing body for all Karatedo in Japan and Okinawa).
Great Lakes Seiwa Kai Chief Instructor:
Sensei Mark Cramer began his karate-do training in 1971, and began training in Goju Ryu in 1974. He is a member of the Seiwa Kai where he is a 7th degree black belt (Nana-dan). He is also a 6th degree black belt (Roku-dan) in the USA National Karate-do Federation (USANKF), and a 6th degree black belt (Roku-dan) in the Japan Karate-do Federation (JKF) Goju Kai.
Sensei Cramer has trained at the JKF Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan and the Seiwa Kai Headquarters in Omagari, Japan. For more than forty years, he has taught traditional Japanese karate-do in several public school systems in the Greater Toledo area, and has trained many individuals to the black belt level and beyond.
Additionally, Mr. Cramer has had a long involvement with sport karate-do, and has competed in kata (forms), kumite (sparring), and kobudo (weapons) divisions in the United States, Canada, and Japan. In over 40 years of training and competing he has won many awards, including twenty-eight national medals and eleven national championships in tournaments sanctioned by the U.S. Olympic Committee's National Governing Body for Sport Karate-do.